Serving to save and protect turtle and tortoise species around the globe.

Our interdisciplinary approach.

Environmental Research and Surveys

Proper animal care all begins with an understanding of the natural diet and environment a species lives in. The knowledge and information gained is then applied to formulating appropriate diets, housing, and care for captive populations of turtles and tortoises. This is an area of science the community still has little knowledge of and more research is needed with a focus on individual species.

Establishing Biomarkers

Coming from vastly different environments and six of the seven continents the biological values of each species can vary considerably. The majority of biomarkers in our medical databases today come from sick and injured turtles and tortoises in captivity. To better understand each species individually an extensive database of biomarkers with a focus on species in the wild can be used to establish a species normal value range.

Improved Veterinary Care

Veterinary care for turtles and tortoises is still in its infancy when compared to the extensive understanding of domestic animals. Most of what we know is based off only a few common species. By presenting and publishing the knowledge gained through our environmental research and biomarker studies with the veterinary community together we can set higher standards or care.

Protection and Assurance Colonies

Alongside providing protection of species and their habitat in the wild is building assurance breeding colonies of genetic diversity for endangered and threatened species of turtles and tortoises. Some habitats are disappearing at an alarming rate and one day there may not be a habitat suitable for the species to survive in the wild. There is also more pressure on wild population by illegal poaching that has already put many species on the brink on extinction. Quality breeding programs to avoid extinction for these targeted species of turtles and tortoises is an important part of their conservation plan.

Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming

Working directly with US Fish and Wildlife, other government agencies and veterinarians we are able to rescue confiscated turtles and tortoise from illegal smuggling operations. These reptiles are often malnourished and ill due to the stress of poaching and illegal shipping. We also help the general public in placing reptiles they can no longer care for no matter the reason.

Public Education

Although all of the scientific research is important perhaps the most import aspect of our nonprofit is providing education to the public. By writing scientific papers, journal articles, website blogs, giving talks at veterinary and turtle and tortoise conferences and general public venues we can share the knowledge that is gained so it can be applied on all levels of care for turtles and tortoises in the wild and captivity.

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."

— John Muir