Puerto Rico Zoo Reptile Rescue

On July 7, 2017, the Rivero Zoo in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico was shut down after being devastated by hurricane Maria, which was recored as a Category 5 and the worst to hit the island in 90 years. The 45 acre zoo and a local invasive species reptiles holding facility have fallen into disrepair despite the communities support and love for their local zoo and all the animals it called home. In February of 2023 the Department of Justice stepped in to shut down Zoologico de Mayaguez, as it’s locally known, and relocate the animals to facilities with appropriate infrastructure and care.

We received a call in March of 2023 to assist in rescuing the reptiles from island which we gladly accepted. Having arrived to the island yesterday our team will be working closely with veterinarians, government agencies , HSUS and other rescue sanctuaries to evaluate and safely evacuate the reptiles from the island. We will share with all of you our story as we prepare these animals for transport to their new homes…